Come join us for live worship & the word Sundays at 10:30AM in the sanctuary, mid-week Bible study & prayer Wednesdays at 6:30PM in the fellowship hall.

R U Ready Children's Church (K - 6th grade) meets Sunday immediately following praise and worship.
Nursery is available each Sunday for children through 4 years old.

Thank you for your continued support throughout this season.
The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord cause His face to shine on you and give you peace.
May His favor be upon you and your family and your children for generations.

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Unable to make it to church, want to listen to a message again, or looking to share a great message... we have them here! 

you are invited

Encounter FREEDOM through the life changing presence of God and fellowship with a body of believers who desire to seek God’s face and allow the Holy Spirit to have His way during every service! Our dynamic worship services are inspirational and uplifting, and you can expect to receive the Word of God through a powerful and practical message. Our Pastors have a passion for seeing believers find redemption, be disciples, and live victorious lives through Jesus Christ. Through our testimonies we can encourage others to overcome as well. Every service is unique, so come expecting the unexpected!

But in your hearts set Christ apart as Lord. Always be ready to give a defense to anyone who asks you to account for the hope that is within you, yet with gentleness and respect

1 Peter 3:15


12540 Pulaski Road, Jacksonville, Florida 32218

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